Your next adventure is waiting for you around the corner, around that bend, beyond that hill, past that road sign. Some say adventure can be found in your own backyard. How about a BIGGER yard? One with pine trees stretching into the horizon. Mountains towering beneath a wide open, bright blue sky. Roaring geysers at every turn. Vast open grasslands with a wildlife symphony like no other. Or one with red, yellow, purple and orange rocks stretching into endless horizons. A canyon so massive and spectacular it can be seen from space. Sunsets like you’ve never seen before. Or how about a landscape that is ancient and occasionally violent. A window into the Earth’s inner world. A glimpse into the awe-inspiring power that lies beneath our feet and gives life to our planet. There are adventures to be had in your own little backyard. But who says you have to stop at the fence line?
Get outdoors. Enjoy nature. Explore the national parks!
– Written by Sabrina Clift